
Refund Policy

Refund Policy

We want to offer you the best support and experience possible. But, if you believe that your experience was underwhelming or you encountered issues that prevented you from fully experiencing Restfully, please reach out to our customer services specialists to talk about a refund provided you reviewed our refund terms and conditions (see below).

Refund After Initial Setup

Provided you are not in breach of the below Terms & Conditions, we offer a full refund for those who sign up for a Personal Premium Service and cancel within the first (3) days of your initial purchase (i.e., the first time we charge you). However, because we believe that you will not have had a chance to fully evaluate the benefits we offer through our Premium Services, we require that you schedule at least one (1) call with your Coach (hereinafter defined) before you seek a refund. Provided that you have had at least one call with your Coach (hereinafter defined) before you cancel your Personal Premium Services, we will issue a full refund and your account while still providing Basic Services.


If you choose to cancel your subscription beyond the first (3 day) time period, or if you cancel your purchase within the first (3 day) time period but fail to schedule a call with your REST Coach, then any amounts paid prior to your cancellation will not be refunded. Following cancellation, your Premium Services will expire at the end of the applicable period, and your account will downgrade to Basic Services.

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